Genesis of Vijaya College
In early 1940's, there were only two colleges-Government Intermediate college and St. Joseph's college, in the entire city of Bangalore, to cater to the needs of students desirous of pursuing science education. Admission to Government College, was difficult because of less student intake and admission to St. Joseph's college was thought of being beyond the reach of many. Sighting the hardship of the general public and students, a group of visionaries came together and mooted the idea of starting a new educational institution, to provide opportunity for deserving students to pursue science education. The group included Rao Bahadur Prof B. Venkateshachar, Prof V.T. Srinivasan, Sri K. Lakshminarayana Rao, Sri K. Srinivasa Rao, Sri.C.R. Narayana Rao and others. With the mission of providing excellent education, BHS Managing Committee was constituted in the year 1944. The time to time contributions of several other prominent educationists such as Sri K.N.Guruswamy, Sri Rao Bahadur Dharma Prakasha L.S. Venkoji Rao, Sri H.Ramaswamy, Col. G.S.Subba Rao, Dr. N S Sundara Rajan and Prof. B V Narayana Rao can never be forgotten.
At present, Sri. N B Bhat is guiding the institution as the secretary of BHS Higher Education Society. He is actively involved in giving a new dimension to the college with the vision of making Vijaya College, one of the best learning centres in Karnataka. Sri. N B Bhat is ably supported by the President Sri. G. V Viswanath and other members of the Managing Committee.
The BHS Managing Committee started the 'Bangalore Intermediate College' in Vokkaligara Sangha Campus, Vishveswarapuram, Bangalore with two sections of 60 students each. In 1946, the Bangalore Intermediate College was renamed as Vijaya College. In the year 1947, the present campus area measuring 450 ft X 500 ft was sanctioned by the City Municipality, Bangalore. A building was constructed to house the college in the new campus by January 1953.
To cater to the needs of students, new dimensions were added to the college by starting degree classes in 1956. Initially B.Sc. course with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics combination was started, followed by the addition of Chemistry, Botany and Zoology combination. Later in 1970, B.Com course was also started.
During 1980's, there was a shift in the educational scenario. Recognizing the need for job oriented applied sciences, the college started new B.Sc. combinations -
The following is the list of faculty members who have served as Principals and contributed in their own might to the growth of the college:
- Physics, Mathematics and Electronics.
- Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science.
- Chemistry, Botany or Zoology and Sericulture.
- Physics, Mathematics and Electronics.
- Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science.
- Chemistry, Botany or Zoology and Sericulture.
SL.No. | Name of the Member | Designation |
1 | Sri G. V. Viswanath, IAS (Retd.) | President |
2 | Sri N. B. Bhat, M.A., L.L.M., IPS (Retd.) | Secretary |
3 | Dr. A K Atre. M.Sc.,Ph.D. | Treasurer and Dean |
4 | Dr. K S Sameera Simha. M.Ed., Ph.D. | Joint Secretary |
1 | Rao Bahadur Prof B. Venkateshachar | 1945-1951 (Founder Principal) |
2 | Prof V. T. Srinivasan | 1951-1972 |
3 | Prof B.V. Narayana Rao | 1972-1975 |
4 | Prof M. A. Venkatachar | 1975- 1980 |
5 | Prof M. K. Keshavaswamy | 1980-1982 |
6 | Dr. K. Rajagopalachar | 1982-1988 |
7 | Dr. B. S. Nagaraj | 1988-1990 |
8 | Dr. Ananth. K. Atre | 1990-1993 |
9 | Dr. B. S. Nagaraj | 1993-1996 |
10 | Dr. T. S. Vaidyeshwara | 1996 – 2000 |
11 | Dr. N Jayappa | 2000 - 2006 |
12 | Dr. M K Nanjappa | Jan 2007 – Feb 2007 |
13 | Dr. K P Krishna Prasad | Mar 2007 – Apr 2007 |
14 | Dr.N.Satyananda | April 2007 – July2012 |
15 | Dr. G M Nijaguna | August 2012 – August 2013 |
16 | Prof. A R Ramesh Babu | August 2013 – March 2016 |
17 | Prof. Major. Shivappa Notagar | March 2016 – June 2016 |
18 | Dr. Manjula. N | June 2016 - May 2018 |
19 | Prof. H. S. Balakrishna | May 2018 |
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