“Red Cross Society” was established in 1867 in Geneva by Jean Henry Dunant. Youth Red Cross is a constituent of the Indian Red Cross Society (Karnataka).

Principles of YRC
- Protection of Health & Life
- Service to the sick & the suffering
- Develop the mental & moral capacities of the youth.
Youth Red Cross (YRC) is a voluntary service body of Bangalore City University which supports humanitarian services in health related services to the community through voluntary services.
In VijayaCollege, YRC unit came into existence in the year 2013. In 2017,Dr . B C Rajakumar was appointed as the YRC program officer. Each year, student office bearers are elected by volunteers for the posts Vice President, Secretary and Joint Secretary.
YRC volunteers are enrolled from the First and Second year degree classes. Presently, there are about 200 YRC volunteers enrolled in which 80 students have undergone first – aid training and CPR training.
YRC Programs
- Blood Donation camps, First-Aid training, Cardiac Pulmonary Rhesus(CPR), Disaster management training camps, Health check up camps, orphanage visits and other community outreach programs.
- Training the volunteers on preparations for and response to natural disasters.
- Active participation in Independence Day and Republic day program to foster patriotism. Few of our volunteers took part in Republic Day parade.
- Every year YRC volunteers visit orphanages and provide fund support, food, stationeries, and necessary materials collected by students.Volunteers spend a day with orphanage children and make them happy with various activities.
- YRC unit showed courage in helping flood victims of Kodagu and Kerala by collecting Rs.12,000 from our college students and public from 20/8/18 to 23/8/18 and donated to PM fund.
- YRC volunteers organize Eye Check – up and Eye Donation Camp as well as Organ Donation Camps. Many of our college students and staff have registered for organ donation.
- Swacha Bharat Campaign and rally, Drug Abuse Awareness Rally
- Trekking : An annual event to increase awareness of flora and fauna as well as to boost up the morale and energy of students.
I Pledge myself to care my own health and that of others, to help the risk and suffering specially children and to look upon the youth all over the world as my friends