NCC in Vijaya College was established in the year 1960 with the authorised strength of 54 (half company). Lt. K RajagopalaAchar took charge as the first Associate NCC Officer of our college. It was declared as the only SD Company. Later, in year 2000, SW was also introduced and given an additional strength of 54 cadets. Currently the college is having an authorised strength of 108 SD/SW cadets.
NCC is one of the premier youth organizations in our country which has contributed to propagating national unity and integrity amongst youth. Its role in instilling in them the values of character, discipline and hard work and in shaping them into dynamic and responsible citizens of the country has been well recognized. It is one of the foremost organizations which grooms the youth, the students to be worthy citizens and future leaders of our nations and further it instils in students discipline, courage, and patriotism.
NCC is an organization which trains lakhs of students under its fold. Students who have undergone NCC training have self-discipline, leadership qualities and good value systems. It has playedan important role in the all-round development of the youth of our country and ingrooming future leaders in all fields. The contribution of the National Cadet Corps in the processof nation building and national integration has been commendable and worthy of the nation’s full support and encouragement.
The National Cadet Corps is a vibrant organization with pool of well-motivated and distinguished boys and girls. It plays a dominant role in nation building and imbibing selfless services, discipline, and leadership among youth. NCC Cadets can join Defence Services. It instils in the cadets a sense of commitment to the values of National Integration, Nationalism, and secularism. These qualities would not only make the youth as responsible citizens, but also helps in achieving the vision of developed India. It plays commendable role in grooming the cadets both physically and mentally. The well-designed curriculum of National Cadet Corps, consisting of myriad training, adventure, cultural and social activities is of immense value to the young generation, enabling them to take on the challenges of the modern world.
Objectives of NCC:
- To develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, Spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizens.
- To create a human resource of organized, trained, and motivate youth to provide leadership in all walks of their life and always available for the service of the nation.
- To provide suitable environment and to motivate youth to take up their career in armed forces.
Benefits of being NCC cadet
- Unique chance to handle weapons and to fire live ammunitions.
- Become courageous, to meet any situation in life.
- Opportunity to participate incamps and courses like Annual Training Camps, All India Thal Sainik Camp, Leadership courses, Rock Climbing, Trekking, Mountaineering courses, Republic Day Parade in Delhi, Para Training, Cycle expedition.
- Opportunity to visit other states and countries on delegation.
Program Officer:Lt. Jaigopi .K
Programs offered in NCC
Swatch BharathAbhiyan- By believing that Health is wealth and only good health can be achieved through hygiene. Our College cadets took initiative to support the Swatch Bharath mission and to create awareness among the people.
Trekking - Cadets have explored various hills as part of Adventurous activity. They will have a deep interaction with the flora and fauna of the forest.
Cycle Expedition- From Vijaya College to various places covering 40 to 50 km. The puporse of visit is to create awareness “Save Trees,Save Life”. A mime will be presented to the public to educate them.
Monkey crawling and slithering- This is an adventure activity where training is provided and is usually showcased on 26th Jan 2017 to inculcate spirit of adventure, endurance, self-confidence and spirit of the cadets.