GENERAL INFORMATION : The college library houses about 70,000 plus books belonging to various fields of knowledge, classified and catalogued according to Dewey decimal classification and following AACR II Cataloguing rules. The Library follows open access system to maximize the utilization of documents. The library subscribes to 10 dailies about 21 national journals on different subjects and 22 popular magazines. The library has a separate reference section with a seating capacity for about seventy-five students. The students also have access to books in the departmental libraries for the purpose of reference.
Working hours 7:30 am to 6:00 pm on all working days
All the students admitted to the college, as well as the teaching and non teaching staff is member of the library.
Book Bank:
Book bank facility is available to SC/ST Students. Such students can borrow up to five books for a period of one month and again extendable twice depending upon the demand.
Circulation section:
Each student can choose two books of their choice from the stack section and borrow the same for a period of 15 days, further they can renew the books borrowed twice provided the books in question are not in demand. Delay in return within due date will attract a penal fee on daily basis.
Reference Section:
Reference section houses a total of 7000 plus books belonging to all subjects. Apart from this short reference books such as Dictionaries in different languages, encyclopedia, handbooks, General Knowledge books and books for other competitive examinations are available for reference purpose.
Periodical Section:
Periodical section is open during library hours users can access journals, popular magazines and dailies.
Digital collection:
Library has CD-ROM collection belonging to text book support material and CDs acquired by the subscription of magazines. The students and staff members can browse the same within the library premises.
Question Bank:
Question bank facility is available in the college library. Question papers of previous examinations are maintained both in hard as well as soft copy format.
Photocopy service is available within the library premises at nominal charges.
Internet facility:
A separate electronic library is established to cater to the needs of students as well as staff members to browse internet for academic purpose. No fee is charged for using the same but students have to affix their signature maintained for the purpose. Students can also access to the NPTEL online virtual classes on various subjects.
Online Journals/Books
Library is a permanent member to INFLIBNET consortia, students and staff members can use the resources available online and get print outs at nominal cost, however the reprography of such materials should be within the limits of copyright act of India.
PG Library:
A separate Post Graduate library section has been established for Post Graduate students and staff in addition to the main library. Users can access to both libraries without any hindrance.
Overnight issue:
Students can borrow reference books available in the library on overnight basis, however rare books and out of print books are not allowed to be borrowed, but they can get photocopy of the same.
Dr. Naveed Ahmedis working as Librarian at present.
Dr. Naveed Ahmed
Mukunda S.P
Librarian (PG)
BA., M.Lib Sc.,